Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So, for the last 3 nights I have had wonderful dreams of my husband who passed away 4 months ago. He was only 54, hardworking, good looking. We had been married 35 years, since we were both 19. Randall comes into my bed to reassure me that he is ok. The first night it was as though I could see him sort of in a bubble. He was walking like he used to, long slow strides, He looked to be about 30, right in his prime. He is at a big river. There are other men fishing. Randall stops and talks to his father. His dad was very ill when he died. He had lost both legs but in my dream, my fatherinlaw looks better than I remember seeing him. He checks his dad's line, then walks around, checking everyone's lines. My husband's hair is long and full. He is wearing a tshirt and bluejeans and he looks intent on what he is doing. Then he is lying beside me in bed, reassuring me, he is ok, I am ok. He said I love those babies in there, pointing to the living room, where my 3 children appear to be about 10, sleeping in little beds. He said I love those babies in the baby beds and pointed down the hall to where the grandchildren were sleeping in their baby beds. It is like Randall is telling me he has work to but he is still here to take care of us all. He said something about Mr. Bledsoe said he should go see me. I don't know who Mr. Bledsoe is. The next night, Randall was telling me he wished he could be in bed but he had to get up, he had more work to do. He said things are a mess down here, I don't know if he meant the house or me or the world. Last night I dreamed that he was at a wedding. Everyone was like wrapped in white cloths or something. It was peaceful. Randall was in white. He told me to go talk to this girl lynn, that I only know through facebook, who had a near death experience, about 2 years ago. He said she could explain everything that she knew him. He was also telling me not to worry, that it was ok. that the stuff down here is not important. that he was ok. Every dream, he looks more beautiful but as though he has a purpose. I wish I knew where he is. What do I believe as a Christian? I was always taught not to focus on heaven, to do good because we want to be like Jesus, not to worry about heaven but my husband feels so close to me, like he is moving around the house and out in the yard. I think of him constantly. Can anyone help me?

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